Atkinson Opens I-90 Eastbound Keechelus Lake Avalanche Bridge to Traffic

August 16, 2016

Atkinson Opens I-90 Eastbound Keechelus Lake Avalanche Bridge to Traffic

Snoqualmie Pass, WA - Things look a little different across Snoqualmie Pass, as the new 1,200-foot-long avalanche bridge and roadway is open to all four lanes and both directions of traffic.

Atkinson completed this traffic shift to create enough room to start building the second avalanche bridge. Over the next several weeks, crews will be busy removing the old westbound lanes and snowshed foundations, blasting rock from the hillside, and building the foundations and columns for the second avalanche bridge so that this work is complete prior to the winter shutdown, typically in November each year. They will also excavate the avalanche chutes so that snow and other debris will flow under the bridge this winter.

Once the second bridge is complete in 2018, it will carry westbound traffic, while the first avalanche bridge will carry eastbound traffic. The project is on schedule for completion in September 2018.